20 research outputs found


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    As the objective of EFL teaching is to help students to communicate fluently in the target language, teachers should provide authentic models of language use for every level and age. To hit the target we should focus not only on linguistic, but also on literary and cultural elements. Since fairy tales offer these elements, they are highly beneficial to use in EFL teaching programs, especially for young learners.It should be taken into consideration that the selection of fairy tales should be done in reference to the course objective, the learners’ age and the story content. Since every teaching situation is unique, the use of every single piece of fairy tale varies from class to class and from teacher to teacher. But, anyhow, using fairy tales in Elementary English courses as literary works tends to improve communicative competence and provide a springboard for the development of critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation. It is advantageous for many benefits, like cultural enrichment, language advancement, higher-order thinking, and many more. To accomplish the following purpose, there is a great significance given to the methodology and strategies to teaching English through Fairy Tales.As the objective of EFL teaching is to help students to communicate fluently in the target language, teachers should provide authentic models of language use for every level and age. To hit the target we should focus not only on linguistic, but also on literary and cultural elements. Since fairy tales offer these elements, they are highly beneficial to use in EFL teaching programs, especially for young learners.It should be taken into consideration that the selection of fairy tales should be done in reference to the course objective, the learners’ age and the story content. Since every teaching situation is unique, the use of every single piece of fairy tale varies from class to class and from teacher to teacher. But, anyhow, using fairy tales in Elementary English courses as literary works tends to improve communicative competence and provide a springboard for the development of critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation. It is advantageous for many benefits, like cultural enrichment, language advancement, higher-order thinking, and many more. To accomplish the following purpose, there is a great significance given to the methodology and strategies to teaching English through Fairy Tales

    Power Efficient, Low Noise 2-5 GHz Phase Locked Loop

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    A power and noise efficient solution for phase locked loop (PLL) is presented. A lock detector is implemented to deactivate the PLL components, except the voltage controlled oscil ator (VCO), in the locked state. Signals deactivating/activating the PLL are discussed on system level. The introduced technique significantly saves power and decreases PLL output jitter. As a result whole PLL power consumption and output noise decreased about 35-38% in expense of approximately 17% area overhead.Запропоновано рішення для системи фазового автопідстроювання частоти (ФАПЧ) з низьким енергоспоживанням та шумовими характеристиками. Сигнали активації та деактивації ФАПЛ розглянуті на системному рівні. Впроваджена техніка значно покращує енергозбереження та зменшує випадкові зміни фази. В результаті вдалося зменшити витрати енергії та фазовий шум приблизно на 35-38% при збільшенні площі робочої поверхні приблизно на 17%


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    The paper addresses development issues of innovative regional systems and related infrastructure. A brief efficiency analysis of investment in innovative programs and projects has been carried out.The impact of investments on the innovation-driven activities, development of the innovative environment and the socio-economic situation in a region has been studied. Examples of the investment impact on the regional innovative development are provided.Рассмотрены вопросы развития инновационных региональных систем и соответствующей инфраструктуры. Проведен краткий анализ эффективности инвестиций в инновационные программы и проекты. Исследованы вопросы влияния инвестиций на инновационную активность, формирование инновационной среды и на социально-экономическую ситуацию в регионе. Приведены примеры влияния инвестиций на инновационное развитие территорий

    Influence of Temperature on Current-Voltage Characteristics and Noise of Hydrogen Sensors

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    In this work, experimental results for temperature dependences of current-voltage and noise characteristics (CVC) in structures with porous silicon layer in dry air and under hydrogen adsorption conditions are presented. Approximation of the received results is carried out. Sample measurement temperature ranges from 20 0С to 90 0С. It is shown that when temperature increases, even within small limits, influence of hydrogen adsorption grows significantly which results in more tangible CVC and noise spectra changes. The received results are discussed

    Prophylaxis and Treatment of Generalyzed Infection Induced by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in Vivo with Hypothalamic Proline Rich Peptides Galarmin and D-15 Galarmin Prophylaxis and Treatment of Generalyzed Infection Induced by Methi

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    Abstract Epidemiological data indicate that Staphylococcus aureus and particularly methicillinresistant strains of S.aureus (MRSA) are responsible for the majority of complicated cases of Staphylococcus infections and are increasingly implicated as a cause of nosocomial and community associated infections worldwide. Proline-rich peptides (Galarmin and analogues) are new brain cytokines isolated from neurosecretory granules of hypothalamus by Prof. A. Galoyan and coworkers with a broad-spectrum of biological activities including antibacterial, antitumor, and immunomodulatory properties. This allowed us to conclude that Galarmin and its analogues can be efficient against generalyzed infection induced by MRSA on mice model in vivo. Received data indicate that Galarmin and its analogue d-15 Galarmin are strong remedies for the prophylaxis and treatment of MRSA infection in vivo. Galarmin at the concentration of 1 μg/mice express its highest protective effect for the prophylaxis (administration 24h before infection) and treatment (1h post-infection) by increasing the survival of experimental animals up to 100% over the control (non-treated) group. For the parallel administration more efficient are higher concentrations of Galarmin: 5 and 10 μg, which increase the survival of animals by 50-60%. In that case the absence of bacterial growth from the blood of treated animals was observed. The most efficient protective concentration of d-15 Galarmin is 16 μg administrated 8h before the infection which increase the survival of infected animals by 80%

    Метод параметричної оптимізації багатоядерних процесорів

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    A post-layout design power optimization algorithm is suggested. Both, gate sizing and multi threshold optimization methods are implemented. The main advantages are the improved performance characteristics and intactness of the initial design placement and routing. Free layout spaces due to decrease of optimized cell sizes is suggested to be filled with decoupling capacitors which decreases power supply noises. The algorithm ensures decrease of static and dynamic power by respectably 19% and 11% for eight-core OpenSPARC processor architectures. It demonstrates improved optimization time compared to existing algorithms by about 29%, in expense of decrease of optimized power by 2-5%.Пропонується алгоритм оптимізації енергоспоживання (ОЭ) на посттопологічному етапі проектування. Одночасно застосовуються методи калібрування логічних елементів і багатопорової оптимізації. Головними перевагами запропонованого методу є швидка дія та мінімальний вплив на початкове розміщення і трассировку. Свободную площадь, образованную вследствии оптимізації, пропонується заповнити емкостними ячейками, які зменшують помехи через цепь питания. Застосування алгоритму забезпечує зменшення статичної та динамічної споживаної енергії відповідно на 19% і 11% для восьмиядерного процесора OpenSPARC. Запропоноване рішення перевершує існуючі алгоритми за швидкістю оптимізації приблизно на 29%, уступая им по эффективности ОЭ всего на 2-5%